February 2021 Business Meeting Minutes – Approved

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  1. Call to Order

The regular meeting of the Libertarian Party of Brevard County, Fl. was called to order at 6:17PM on February 17th, 2021 at Carrabba’s Italian Grill by Chair – Brian Fleming

  • Present:

Executive Committee: Brian Fleming –Chair, Mari Peele -Vice-Chair, Greg Peele – Treasurer, Rick Heffelfinger –Secretary, Nathan Slusher -Director-At-Large

Voting Members: Hannah Tomboulides

Regular Members: Thai Heiler

  • Determination of Quorum (75% of Executive Committee or 25% of all voting members)

Quorum was met

  • Approval and Adoption of Agenda

A motion to adopt the agenda was made. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

  • Guest Speaker

Robert Klimkowski was unable to attended and will be rescheduled for a future meeting

  • Approval of the Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from the December 16th, 2020 and January 20th, 2021 business meetings was made. The motion was seconded and passed without objection.

  • Officer Reports


Web site is up and running. More work will be done in the area of outreach in the near future. The chair will be meeting with the chairs from Osceola and Orange counties on March 5th to exchange information and discuss region 9 status.

Vice Chair:

The website now has links to the minutes and agendas. Donation capability, via PayPal, is available. Voter registration email information is being extracted from the disk provided by the SOE. Constitution and Bylaws documents are also available on the web site.


Still working to finalize system to track membership and maintain voting member status. Anticipate using Mailchimp as primary source for membership data. During future meetings paper copies of current agenda, list of voter eligible members, and minutes for approval will be provided to each member of the EC.


Currently have a balance in Paypal of $924.42, $50 in pledges, and approximately $300 in the bank (PNC). Research into additional methods for donations continues. All donation systems must provide enough donor information to meet SOE reporting requirements.


Making visits to all cities within Brevard to make contact with city election supervisors and gather election information. Data is being input on the Gdrive.

  • Unfinished Business:
  • EC members are encouraged to continue to use/update the Libertarian Task List.xlsx (Action Item list) on the Gdrive.
  • Election workbook continues to move forward.
  • Organizational goals have been established.
  • Possibility may exist to piggyback June convention in Lakeland for a guest speaker.
  • Discussed next social as possibly being bowling in Titusville. Final decision yet to be made.
  • Gdrive data will be migrating from Brian’s email to the EC chair email (lpbrevard.chair@gmail.com). Estimate completion by March meeting.
  • New Business:


  1. Greg Peele moved a motion to amend the current LPBC Constitution and Bylaws. Changes are identified in Appendix A and Appendix B on the web page. Greg provided an overview of the changes and facilitated discussion on the topic. The motion was passed unanimously. Adoption of the changes requires a second hearing that will occur during the March meeting. A 3/4 vote will be required to pass.
  • Greg Peele moved a motion to authorize a 2021 budget to expend up to $100 total to obtain a PO Box for the party, up to $200 total for printing party business cards, flyers, event materials, and similar items, and up to $50 per month to rent the venue for the regular business meeting. The motion was passed unanimously
  • A floor motion was made to authorize the opening of a stripe account for the purposes of taking donations. The motion was passed unanimously.
  1. Notice & Announcement
    1. Next Mtg Date:March 17, 2021
    1. Next Mtg Location: Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Merritt Island, FL.
  1. Member Activity
  2. Thai is continuing to seek out alternate locations for our monthly Business meetings.
  3. Hannah has been working on form letters/emails to support membership donating and outreach for growing membership. Brian will give Hannah access to the Gdrive to upload her work and facilitate collaboration with the EC.
  4. Adjournment

Meeting was adjourned at 7:16 PM by Chair – Brian Fleming.

Minutes submitted by: Rick Heffelfinger

These minutes were approved by the LPBC Executive Committee during the Business Meeting held on 3/17/2021.


Richard K Heffelfinger

Secretary, LPBC